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Senior Oracle DBA / Engineer

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  • 06.09.2024


The Oracle database.
Its infrastructure dependencies.
Automated product and service deployment.
Hence scripting (bash, korn, python, Ansible).


  • Ansible
  • ASP
  • Bash (Shell)
  • KornShell
  • Oracle Data Guard1 J.
  • Oracle Database3 J.
  • Oracle RAC (Real Application Clusters)1 J.
  • Python
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)
  • Visual Basic Script (VBS)

Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung

Senior Oracle DBA
Banque Raiffeisen, Leudelange
11/2023 – 3/2024 (5 Monate)

11/2023 – 3/2024


DB2 -to- Oracle 19c database migration of Temenos Transact (T24) archive tables

Due to:
Temenos' end-of-support for IBM DB2
Temenos Transact r10 -to- r21 upgrade

Advisory as to ways per which current progress can be improved:
Storage sub-system
Korn and bash scripting techniques
DB2 export and SQL*Loader loading techniques
Oracle database instance capacity/ resource allocation options/ rationale (big table caching, partitioning and sub-partitioning ...)

Technical context:
~700 million rows
DB2 export and SQL*Loader utilities in either LLS or “ terminated by „ LOBFILE mode
Range, list and hash partitioning and sub-partitioning at Oracle end
LOB and XMLtype data types at play
Parallelized korn and bash scripting

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

AIX, DB2, Oracle Database, Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)

Senior Advanced Support Engineer
DHL Aviation N.V., Capellen
6/2023 – 7/2023 (2 Monate)

6/2023 – 7/2023


For addressing purported networking issues negatively impacting Data Guard replication and RMAN backups in an ExaC@C environment:

Conducted a one-hour workshop/ presentation having introduced stakeholders to:
A protocol per which an overall network assessment could take place, and the required network bandwidth for duly supporting redo transfers between DG nodes could be calculated (respectively documented by MOS Notes #2064368.1 and #736755.1)
The types of network traffic the underlying networking infrastructure should support preferably in a segregated fashion, and the throughputs ExaC@C appliances are able to implement.

Suggested that the customer submit a number of SQL statements so as to fetch AWR and RMAN metrics for analysis (respectively from CDB_HIST_% and RMAN catalog views)

Analysis having revealed an abnormally-high amount of redo getting shipped from DG-replicated instances in TB-per-interval orders of magnitude

Therefore advised to dedicate Data Guard to optimized OLTP workloads, only (as opposed to non-random/ well-controlled ETL-based OLAP systems)

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Oracle Data Guard, Oracle Database

Senior Advanced Support Engineer
Clearstream Services S.A., Luxemburg Stadt
1/2022 – 3/2023 (1 Jahr, 3 Monate)

1/2022 – 3/2023


Liaison with Oracle Premier Support global expertise centers when it comes to following up on issues related to patching, Oracle Net tracing, BCT, ...

Consultancy regarding the implications of lifting-and-shifting Clearstream's on-premise databases to Google Cloud-hosted VMware engines. The said-implications being:
The transition of the current Veritas clusters-based DR solution to 3-node Data Guard maximum protection topologies
Network traffic TLS-based encryption
mTLS client / server authentication
A possible upgrade from 19c non-CDBs to 21c multi-tenant containers
A possible from-FS-to-ASM migration when it comes to the databases' storage option

The aforementioned consultancy included documenting the entire Data Guard framework capabilities and implementation best practices (contents available at URL on request)

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Oracle Data Guard, Oracle Database

Senior Advanced Support Engineer
Oracle Luxembourg Sàrl, Capellen
1/2022 – 4/2022 (4 Monate)
IT & Entwicklung

1/2022 – 4/2022


Discovery work pertaining to Exadata Cloud@Customer Database Machines:

Documentation federation
Exadata-related books reading
Analysis of field engineering materials such as internal config- and check-lists
Production of network topology- and hardware-centered schematics (DB and cell server back panels, Cisco RoCE and management switches arrangement...)
Admin-managed to policy-managed clustered database conversion testing
Exawatcher archives fetched consolidation
Scheduled jobs and systemd services inventory
Exadata & Cell Servers-centered database dynamic view querying

Having had access to an ExaC@C lab environment, scripted the following in bash (assembled in one convenient support package):

Automated database instance discovery in terms of names, owning Unix groups and logins, supplementary groups, Oracle product home locations ...
Automated .profile file generation on a per database instance basis (i.e. automated discovery of the Unix process environments under which instances run)
Automated O/S platform memory configuration discovery in terms of RAM allocation, usage, and huge pages
Automated Linux kernel tunable configuration gathering for reconciliation against Oracle requirements. (The same applying to so-called shell limits).
Built-up a set of SQL statements conveniently submittable through wrapped SQL*Plus calls generating readable tabbed Excel data (cell servers, cell disks, ASM disks and disk groups, ASM consumers, database instance initialization parameters ...)

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Oracle Database, Oracle RAC (Real Application Clusters)

RBC Investor Services Bank S.A., Capellen
10/2020 – 4/2021 (7 Monate)

10/2020 – 4/2021


Oracle Database & Clusterware (ASM) 19c on Oracle Linux 7.9 and IBM PowerHA SystemMirror w/ Hyperswap. System architecture, implementation prototyping, technical counselling/ documentation.

Migration of 59 business applications
Agile PM methodology
Technical (non-exhaustive)
Clusterware/ ASM-hosted standalone 19c Oracle database instances
Incrementally-updated backup copies leveraging Fast Recovery Areas
Non-HADR active/ passive HyperSwap-enabled PowerHA SystemMirror stretched clusters
ONTAP 9 and NetApp filers, exposing NTFS security-style file systems via SMB and NFSv3. Implicit user name mapping backed by LDAP-based (Ms AD) user principal provisioning (including Oracle Unix logins).

PM Assistance
Counseled RBC application custodians, IBM project managers as well as delivery teams regarding the following technologies/ methods and their proper implementation:
Oracle Databases
Database data migrations
PowerHA SystemMirror
NetApp's ONTAP
In that regard, liaised/ worked with the following delivery teams/ competencies
Oracle DBAs
Unix engineers
SAN & NAS engineers
Directory & IAM engineers
Established the so-called « Oracle IWS » (Integration Work Sheet), for the purpose of facilitating the collection of requirements / specifications having to drive the provision of Oracle Databases.

Technical Documentation:
Established convention, requirement, as well as specification documentation regarding the provision of Oracle Database services (similarly to what was done for the CJUE)
With regard to specifications, proposed a Bronze/ Silver/ Gold offering

Prototyping & Automation:
Prototyped, validated and documented the platform-agnostic, standardized implementation of The Oracle Clusterware/ Database stack using Ansible 2.9 on Oracle Linux 7.9 running as VirtualBox VMs on 64-bit Slackware Current
Also seized this opportunity to extend platform-agnostic Ansible automation processes to Oracle Linux 7.9 settings (kernel parameters via sysctl, shell limits, huge pages)
This endeavor resulted in the conception of a standardized, near-procedural Ansible playbook framework. Able, for example, to automate the collection and time-stamped naming of compressed log files
Extended to the automation of the following operations:
Database refreshes through RMAN-driven over-the-network duplications
Database backups

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Oracle Database, Oracle RAC (Real Application Clusters)

Project Manager
State Street International (Ireland) Limited, Capellen
3/2020 – 9/2020 (7 Monate)

3/2020 – 9/2020


Assistance to State Street with regards to the delivery of an 8-node, two-cluster HPE Simplivity infrastructure platform aimed at substituting for legacy VMware ESXi 5.5-based hypervisors

Such HPE Simplivity infrastructure having had to eventually host a set of 100+ migrated virtual machines, supporting business applications used by the Luxembourg branch of State Street Bank International GmbH

Whose operation fell under IBM GTS Luxembourg's responsibility

Change order abstract:
Coordinate and manage the technical activities of IBM's personnel
Establish and maintain communications through the SSC Project Manager
Assist the SSC Project Manager prepare and maintain the project plan which lists the activities, tasks, assignments, milestones and estimates for performance
Measure, track and evaluate progress against the project plan
Resolve deviations from the project plan with the SSC Project Manager
Conduct regularly scheduled meetings, as necessary, with the SSC project team to review project status
Prepare standard Status Reports through project duration for presentation to SSC Project Focal

Liaised with Ireland- and India-based State Street project management and technical lead, so as to ensure jointly-driven, consensus-based technical decision making as regards OmniStack releases, network and Simplivity topologies

Maintained required communication channels with IBM GTS India, the support of whom got obtained as regards proper engagement of HPE's support from a pure contractual perspective.

Liaised with IBM GTS Luxembourg VMware/ Windows delivery teams involved in the operation/ management/ maintenance of State Street Luxembourg's virtualized environments

Automated the generation of PDF-formatted Project Management Products for metrics publishing, including forecasts and rolling figures aggregated on a per billing code, per competency center basis

Having allowed State Street Project/Program Management to get regularly updated so as to meet contracted Project Management requirements in that regard

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen


Senior Oracle DBA
BIL (Banque Internationale à Luxembourg S.A.), Luxemburg Stadt
6/2018 – 7/2018 (2 Monate)

6/2018 – 7/2018


Oracle Database 11gR2 -> 12cR2 Schema Migrations

Within the broader context of the migration of business applications from a legacy network shared by multiple banking entities to an IT infrastructure exclusively-dedicated to BIL, undertook the specific migration of database schemas by porting them from AIX-based 11gR2 Oracle Databases to Exadata X6-based, Linux-hosted Multi-Tenant 12c Containers.

This mainly involved Data Pump exports and imports.
Automated schema migration through shell scripting, encapsulating proper SQL DDL/DML statements
Wrote data dictionary queries so as to perform prior scoping

Schema migrations were required to be automated as much as possible, so as to ease the process for production DBAs. A migration involved a two-step process: first export, then import.

The export and import phases, which could be conducted independently as one piece, could be both run repeatedly until the migration process was definitively established. The creation of the target 12c PDBs was (obviously) a pre-requisite, and occurred once, independently.

Bash scripts encapsulating calls to SQL deliverables handling export and import jobs as well as a base canvas for pre- and post-import SQL scripts, were generated in a unified manner based on a set of input constants such as Unix login names, database instance names, 12c container service names, database account names …

Which, among other things, allowed relevant scripts to reference file system locations hosting Data Pump dumps identically-exposed to both source and target systems via NFS.

Bash shell scripts were written so as to automatically execute, upon invocation, any additional, freely scriptable SQL-only pre-export and post-import deliverables, provided they were prefixed by a two-digit string acting as a simple ordering mechanism, and dropped at the proper file system location.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Oracle Database


PRINCE2 Practitioner 2017
Oracle Database 12c High Availability New Features Ed 1
Oracle Database 12c: Security Ed. 1 (D81599GC10)
PRINCE2 Foundation Certificate in Project Management (PR2F)
ITIL v. 3 Foundation Examination
Foundation Certificate in IT Service Management
Course SA-239: Solaris 9 system administration
Course TSLM10: SAP Solution Manager 2.1
Course 531: Ms SQL Server 2000 database administration
Course BC505: Oracle Database administration
Course BC360: technical core competence SAP R/3 unix – Oracle
Computer science (level 1 state-certified engineering degree)
Levallois Péret (F-92300)
Course 491: Oracle 8i Database administration
Business Objects Designer 5.1.1.
Collaborative solutions design and development in the Microsoft Exchange 5.5. messaging system environment

Persönliche Daten

  • Englisch (Fließend)
  • Deutsch (Grundkenntnisse)
  • Französisch (Muttersprache)
auf Anfrage
  • Europäische Union
  • Schweiz
28 Jahre und 3 Monate (seit 06/1996)


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