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Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt

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  • Belgien
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  • 06.03.2014


Ich ben ein internationale Trainer und Coacher (> 15 Jahre) in Project-, Verbesserungs- und Veraenderungsmanagement. Meine Specialitaet ist Vertrieb- und Logistik Prozessen. Ich habe grosse Erfahrung in EMEA Financial Centers in Ost Europa


  • Management (allg.)
  • Projektmanagement
  • Qualitätsmanagement (allg.)
  • Unternehmensberatung

Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung

Trainer and Coach
NMBS Logistics, Brussel
6/2013 – 10/2013 (5 Monate)

6/2013 – 10/2013


- Creation of a customized training packaging on Lean Project management
- Provide Lean Project Management training for project leaders and high potentials

Project Leader Coacher
Euroclear, Brussel
10/2012 – 12/2013 (1 Jahr, 3 Monate)

10/2012 – 12/2013


a. Problem statement : Within the Corporate Technology department (IT) based in Brussels, Paris and London a vital Change Request Project had already failed two times due to various reasons over the last 5 years. The yearly employee survey showed very bad results on this process. A lot of frustration is expressed.
b. Milvus has been asked to increase the survey results significantly for this area. Milvus receives free option on how to approach as they are struggling to find the best approach.
c. Actions done: Consultancy and Coaching for project team of 50 people with 6 project leaders. The process has been made conform ITIL guidelines. A forecasting process and KPI governance stream is introduced. The KPI report is a cascading dashboard from top management up till team level performance and efficiency KPIs have been set up with challenging goals for each team.
d. Lean Mc Kinsey waves coaching : Euroclear went through various lean waves via the Lean Mc Kinsey methodology in 2008/2009. I supported the teams going through such a lean wave again.
e. Lean training: creation and delivery of a customized training package (hard and soft skills) for project leaders, team members, sponsors and coaches, so that future projects will always be delivered with standard methods and templates.

Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt
GMED Healthcare, Brussel
1/2011 – 6/2012 (1 Jahr, 6 Monate)

1/2011 – 6/2012


Develop and deploy a lean culture .
- Implementation of a Business Intelligence platform for Intrastat and VAT reporting, inventory and Accounts Payable.
- A pre-audited freight invoice system for transport with external carriers (Kuehne&Nagel, DHL and Nippon) was established.
- The introduction of a Business Intelligence platform in the sales area.
- Training and Coaching of Lean Six Sigma Green and Yellow Belts.

Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt
Global Business Services Prague (EMEA Financial Ce, Prague
1/2009 – 2/2012 (3 Jahre, 2 Monate)

1/2009 – 2/2012


The Global Business Services company is a European financial centre centralizing 19th West, South and North European countries. After reducing the headcount with 600 people (from 800 to 200) all financial processes (Master Data, R2C and A2R) needed to get standardized, paperless and brought to excellent standards.
I was responsible for the development and deployment of a lean culture in the European Financial Shared Service Centre in Prague. To develop this new culture I set up European teams to work out the major goals:
1. R2C :
- % Unapplied cash versus gross AR from 5% to 2%
- % Unapplied cash > 60 days from 20% to 10%
2. Master Data :
- Increase accurate customer and account master data from 80 to 98%
3. A2R :
- Improve Corporate reporting from 85% to 100% accuracy level (on time & correct)
Herewith I will detail what I did for the R2C (Credit Management) area :
I was responsible to get things fixed as soon as possible for the EMEA board.
- We set up a causal monitoring scorecard showing all weak areas in the E2E process of R2C. This clearly showed which of the 19 countries had major unapplied cash. This was brought to weekly scorecard for the close follow up of the weak areas.
- The bank system was not working properly (= not bringing automatically the amounts to the correct accounts). For that 1 IT had to fix the errors one by one.
- JD Edwards was not properly set up for each country also here 1 IT with one person from operations were dedicated to this problem.
- The original split of the customers (ABC customers) was rearranged.
- For France a project for standardization of payment instruments was made to reduce the checks and manual drafts.
- The organization was changed from 2 teams Application & Collection teams to dedicated teams per country.
- A management dashboard was created and monthly discussed with the Global Business Services management and the Country Financial Directors.
- For the countries where the DSO was not decreasing as targeted meetings with the Customer Service & Sales & Marketing were set up to go in depth into the customers and sales strategy.
- The credit management policies were reviewed and brought correctly into the master data; also here a huge standardization within EMEA was made.
- Performance brought to EMEA level per country so that Global Business Services and the countries had same objectives, goals & KPIs.
% Unapplied cash versus gross AR came to 2% since 02/2010 and never when higher up. For 2012 the target was set to 1%.
The DSO went down for all 19 countries, except for Iberia.


Certified Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt
Certified Lean Assessor
Certified Change Agent
Certified Design Excellence Green Belt
Certified in Production and Inventory Management


Internationa Middle Management Program
Gent (Belgium)
BWL - Master in Finance
Antwerp (Belgium)
Bachelor in Marketing
Antwerp (Belgium)

Über mich

Skills and attitudes : Open minded, strong process believer, good balancer of logical, analytical, rational thinking with intuition and feeling. Enjoy challenges & eager to learn, helpful, honest and straightforward, results & performance driven.

My favourite quote: "Every idea has a thousand reasons why it won't work. If you're passionate about it you'll find a thousand ways to offset all those reasons." A. Einstein

Jetzt arbeite ich auch fuer das Flemische Qualitaetsinstitut wie Coach fuer Aertze, Apotheker, Zahnartze, Aeltersheim personal, Krankenhaus Mitarbeiter, etc. (vergleichbar mit den Deutsche Aertzekammer)

Weitere Kenntnisse

- MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Project management
- ERP systems : SAP, JD Edwards
- Flowcharting : Igrafx, Visio
- Statistical analysis : Minitab
- Mind map
- Business Intelligence systems : MS SQL Server, COGNOS
- MS SharePoint design
- Web design Joomla

Persönliche Daten

  • Deutsch (Gut)
  • Englisch (Fließend)
  • Niederländisch (Muttersprache)
  • Französisch (Gut)
  • Spanisch (Grundkenntnisse)
  • Europäische Union
39 Jahre und 11 Monate (seit 02/1985)
15 Jahre


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