freiberufler Data Scientist | Signal Processing Expert auf

Data Scientist | Signal Processing Expert

zuletzt online vor 9 Tagen
  • 85‐110€/Stunde
  • Wien
  • DACH-Region
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  • 14.07.2024


I am a data scientist with more ten years of experience in the industry (IoT, aeronautics, biomedical) with strong skills in signal and data processing, machine learning, mathematical modeling and programming (Python, Matlab, Java, C/C++, SQL).


  • C++2 J.
  • Data Science3 J.
  • Datenanalyse5 J.
  • Datenmodellierung1 J.
  • Java (allg.)
  • Maschinelles Lernen3 J.
  • Mathematik5 J.
  • MATLAB / Simulink10 J.
  • Python4 J.
  • Signalverarbeitung12 J.
  • Statistik (allg.)

Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung

Radar expert
Kundenname anonymisiert, Versailles
1/2024 – 3/2024 (3 Monate)
High-Tech- und Elektroindustrie

1/2024 – 3/2024


Study of technical feasibility of a radar system for military robots.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen


Data Engineer
Trafility, Wien
8/2022 – 12/2023 (1 Jahr, 5 Monate)

8/2022 – 12/2023


Data engineering for the complete traffic modelling of the Vienna region:
- Development of Python scripts for the analysis, cleaning and preparation of a large amount of heterogenous data.
- Building of mathematical models to make the data more realistic.
- Fine-tunning and debugging of the MATSim tool to simulate the behaviours and interactions of millions of users.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

XML, Datenanalyse, Datenmodellierung, Python

Hardware and software engineer
Intui'tech, Paris
6/2022 – 7/2022 (2 Monate)
High-Tech- und Elektroindustrie

6/2022 – 7/2022


Technical support for the improvement of an electronic system for logistic made of 11 Arduino boards interconnected through I2C and radio (nRF24L01) links:
- Redesign of the code to make it clean and robust.
- Development of protocols of communication to avoid chanel overload.
- On-site implementation and test.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

C, Hardware Entwicklung, Telekommunikation / Netzwerke (allg.)

Trainer in radar technologies
Share My Space, Paris
2/2022 – 2/2022 (1 Monat)
Luft- und Raumfahrtindustrie

2/2022 – 2/2022


Preparation and animation of a complete crash course on radar for a dozen of engineers.
Contents: general context, theoretical basis, processing chain and estimation of the parameters, limits and trade-offs, principles for dimensionning and operationnal management of the ressources.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen


Signal Processing Engineer
Find&Order, Paris
3/2021 – 5/2021 (3 Monate)
IT & Entwicklung

3/2021 – 5/2021


Technical support in Python for the development of mathematical models and filtering of gyro/accelero signals for an indoor navigation system.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Filtertechnik, Python, Signalverarbeitung

Universities (ESTP, Epita, Univ. Paris-Dauphine), Paris
12/2020 – 2/2024 (3 Jahre, 3 Monate)
Hochschulen und Forschungseinrichtungen

12/2020 – 2/2024


- Creation and animation of a 3-day advanced training on signal processing for 9 engineers.
- Creation and teaching of a lecture of Signal Processing.
- Creation and teaching of a lecture of Machine Learning for 120 international students.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

k-Means-Algorithmus, Lineare Regression, Logistische Regression, Maschinelles Lernen, Nächste-Nachbarn-Klassifikation, Pandas DataFrame, Python, Random Forest, Scikit-learn, Signalverarbeitung, Support Vector Machine (SVM)

Data Scientist
TAG Heuer (LVMH), Paris
10/2019 – 3/2022 (2 Jahre, 6 Monate)

10/2019 – 3/2022


In charge of the algorithms for the development of a luxury connected watch:
- Conception of real-time sport metrics in Python based on the internal sensors (GPS, inertial) for the tracking of walking and running activities.
- Code implementation in C in the embedded system, tests & validation.
- Large scale data acquisition, labeling and analysis for a new swim feature.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

C, Data Science, Datenanalyse, MATLAB / Simulink, Python, Signalverarbeitung

Data Scientist
Diazonis, Paris
4/2019 – 6/2019 (3 Monate)
High-Tech- und Elektroindustrie

4/2019 – 6/2019


Development in MATLAB of proof of concept for gesture recognition based on accelerometer and barometer signals.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Datenanalyse, MATLAB / Simulink, Signalverarbeitung

Engineer in Robotics
Safran Electronics & Defense, Paris
10/2018 – 10/2019 (1 Jahr, 1 Monat)
Luft- und Raumfahrtindustrie

10/2018 – 10/2019


Development of modules of autonomy for military robots:
- Conception in MATLAB of motion maps based on the constraints of the robot (manoeuvrability, obstacles).
- Computation in C of the optimal trajectories (graph theory).
- Management of two subcontractors.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

C++, MATLAB / Simulink, Robotik / Robotertechnik

Prototyping Engineer
VirtualiSurg, Paris
9/2018 – 3/2019 (7 Monate)
High-Tech- und Elektroindustrie

9/2018 – 3/2019


Development (hardware + software) of an angular position sensor for a surgical VR system.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Hardware Entwicklung, MATLAB / Simulink, Signalverarbeitung

Prototyping Engineer
Biotraq, Paris
8/2018 – 10/2018 (3 Monate)
High-Tech- und Elektroindustrie

8/2018 – 10/2018


Prototyping of a remote temperature tracker for the freight transport:
- Programming of an Arduino in C.
- Integration of a temperature sensor in the electronic system.
- Integration and control of a GSM communication chip.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

C, Elektronik, GSM/GPRS, Hardware Entwicklung

Data Engineer
codoc, Paris
6/2018 – 7/2018 (2 Monate)
IT & Entwicklung

6/2018 – 7/2018


Data engineering in Python/SQL for the ETL (extract-transform-load) of the databases of a hospital. Total of 1.5 millions medical data processed.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

ETL, Oracle Database, Python, SQL

Signal Processing Expert
Kundenname anonymisiert, Paris
2/2018 – 3/2021 (3 Jahre, 2 Monate)
Hochschulen und Forschungseinrichtungen

2/2018 – 3/2021


Technical support in MATLAB (code review and new features development) for a research project to analyse motion data of Olympic athletes.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Datenanalyse, MATLAB / Simulink, Signalverarbeitung

Automation Engineer
FlyLab, Paris
1/2018 – 3/2018 (3 Monate)
Luft- und Raumfahrtindustrie

1/2018 – 3/2018


Simulation in MATLAB of a drone navigation (physical model) and basic automatic control of the trajectory.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Digital mock-up (DMU) / Digitales Versuchsmodell (D-VM), Mathematik, MATLAB / Simulink

Signal Processing Engineer
Airtronic, Payrignac
1/2018 – 2/2018 (2 Monate)
Maschinen-, Geräte- und Komponentenbau

1/2018 – 2/2018


Development of algorithms in MATLAB for robust detection of sound pattern in harsh environment.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Embedded Systems, Signalverarbeitung

Signal Processing Engineer
Ad Scientiam, Paris
2/2017 – 12/2017 (11 Monate)

2/2017 – 12/2017


Development of algorithms for a medical self-assessment application based on smartphone sensors, campaign of tests and performance validation (framework of CE certification), patent writing. Solution spread among 200 neurologists.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Data Science, MATLAB / Simulink, Signalverarbeitung

Prototyping Engineer
Moona, Paris
8/2016 – 11/2016 (4 Monate)
High-Tech- und Elektroindustrie

8/2016 – 11/2016


Prototyping of a connected object to be presented at CES in Las Vegas:
- Hardware prototyping (integration of actuators and sensors, Bluetooth communication)
- Software prototyping (Arduino)

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

C, Elektronik, Hardware Entwicklung

Signal Processing Engineer
MBDA, Paris
1/2016 – 5/2016 (5 Monate)
Luft- und Raumfahrtindustrie

1/2016 – 5/2016


Technical study for the creation of an internal expertise in missile localisation by satellites (GNSS).

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

C++, Global Positioning System (GPS), MATLAB / Simulink, Satellitentechnik / Satellitenkommunikation, Signalverarbeitung

ONERA - "the French Aerospace Lab", Paris
11/2011 – 5/2015 (3 Jahre, 7 Monate)
Luft- und Raumfahrtindustrie

11/2011 – 5/2015


Research works in signal processing to bring operational capacities to a new military radar:
- Modeling of the complete radar processing chain in MATLAB.
- Development of digital processing schemes to improve the detection performance.
- Experimentations on a radar platform to validate the analytical models in real conditions.
- Publications of research papers and patent.
- Teaching activities at ENS Cachan (digital optimization methods) and Polytech Paris-Sud (statistics).

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Mathematik, MATLAB / Simulink, Radartechnik, Signalverarbeitung

Master Thesis
Airbus Defence and Space, Munich
8/2010 – 10/2011 (1 Jahr, 3 Monate)
Luft- und Raumfahrtindustrie

8/2010 – 10/2011


Reduction of interference on a GNSS (satellite navigation system) receiver:
- Establishment of analytical models depicting the degradation of performance of the satellite signal in condition of strong pulsed interferences.
- Development of MATLAB tools and Monte-Carlo validations.
- Design of a smart receiver with enhanced performance.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Global Positioning System (GPS), Mathematik, MATLAB / Simulink, Satellitentechnik / Satellitenkommunikation, Signalverarbeitung

Part-time engineer
ESG GmbH, Munich
3/2010 – 8/2010 (6 Monate)
IT & Entwicklung

3/2010 – 8/2010


Software development in C++ on a simulator of helicopters for the German Army: definition and real-time computation of the routes of vehicles in the virtual environment.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

C++, Mathematik

Engineer in internship
Thales Air Systems, Paris
6/2009 – 8/2009 (3 Monate)
Luft- und Raumfahrtindustrie

6/2009 – 8/2009


Software development in Java on an anti-aircraft defense program: conception, development and validation of the finite-state automaton.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Back-End Entwicklung, Java (allg.)


IT, automation and signal processing
Université Paris-Sud 11
Electrical engineering
Engineer's degree
Technische Universität München
Signal processing, Electronics, Communication, IT
Engineer's degree

Über mich

I have engineer degrees from TU München and Supélec, and a PhD in signal processing from Paris-Saclay University.

I have had the opportunity to work on technical projects of various sizes, in R&D, prototyping and production, and I am able to adapt quickly to any new problematic.
I was often involved in the development of new products and in technical studies.

For example, I was in charge of the algorithms for the new connected watch of TAG Heuer and I had the opportunity to develop predictive models and process a large amount of data.
I also have a strong expertise on the processing of signals from sensors like radar systems, RF receivers, accelerometers/gyroscopes and microphones.

Weitere Kenntnisse

Signal Processing, Algorithm Development, Data Science, Data Analysis, Machine Learning, Statistics, Mathematical Modeling, Python, MATLAB, C/C++, Java, SQL

Persönliche Daten

  • Französisch (Muttersprache)
  • Englisch (Fließend)
  • Deutsch (Gut)
  • Europäische Union
14 Jahre und 4 Monate (seit 03/2010)
1 Jahr


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