Finance Professional
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- 100‐140€/Stunde
- 53604 Bad Honnef
- Europa
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- 06.09.2024
Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung
4/2023 – 9/2024
Vorbereitung des Unternehmens auf den anstehenden M&A Verkaufs
prozess bzgl. der relevanten kfm. Prozesse
Aufbereiten, ordnen und herstellen von Transparenz des „current
tradings“ der vergangenen 2,5 Jahre
Erstellung des Businessplans mit Aufsetzpunkt „current trading“ in
Zusammenarbeit mit dem Management und dem M&A Berater
Einführung eines strukturierten Monatsabschlussprozesses und
strukturierte Zusammenarbeit mit dem Steuerberater
Konzeption und Erstellung eines Standardberichtswesens
Einführung eines Vertriebscontrollings in Form eines Sales Funnels
Erstellung einer Projektnachkalkulation der wesentlichen Projekte
Begleitung des Unternehmens und des Managements als „Interim CFO“
während des M&A Prozesses
Teilnahme an den Präsentationen / Pitches für Investoren und
Ansprechpartner für alle finanzrelevanten Fragestellungen
Verantwortlich für die Befüllung des Datenraums bzgl. aller
finanzrelevanten Dokumente und Ansprechpartner für die Due
Diligence finanzseitig
Aufsetzen der Ziel Finance Organisationsstruktur
Finanzen (allg.)
2/2021 – 5/2022
TätigkeitsbeschreibungResponsibilities: Finance responsible (N-3) for the “Integrated Steering Model (iSTM) P&P” and Systems Finance P&P with eight direct reports - Transformation of the iSTM project organization into a line organization - definition, alignment and setup of roles & responsibilities as well as processes (e.g. dashboard development, new system onboarding) across departments (IT, operations, finance and sales) - Operations, maintenance and advancement of the “Integrated Steering Model”, cost per piece accounting system and CREST system / data model Achievements (extract): - P&P Germany Investment of Choice Award Bronze for the implementation of the “Integrated Steering Model P&P”
Eingesetzte QualifikationenControlling
2/2018 – 2/2021
TätigkeitsbeschreibungResponsibilities: Finance responsible (N-3) for three work streams in the “Integrated Steering Model P&P” with a project team of six - Development and alignment of a regional cost per piece accounting model and system - Remodeling of the existing product and customer profitability accounting and alignment with the new regional cost per piece accounting - Development and alignment of the Integrated Steering Model P&P data model (Master Data Management) - Regular presentation of project status and results to the P&P management board Achievements (extract): - Fast time to market for regional cost per piece by function based on PoC and agile project approach (SCRUM)
Eingesetzte QualifikationenAnforderungsmanagement, Controlling, Kostenrechnung, SCRUM
5/2016 – 1/2018
TätigkeitsbeschreibungResponsibilities: Finance responsible (N-2) for ~ 300 m€ turnover with seven direct reports (50 reports in total) in the subject area of - Finance & Accounting - Administration - Human Resources - IT Systems - Internal Audit & Processes - Presenting business results and information requests regularly to the DP DHL management board Achievements (extract): - Successful development of all Finance functions keeping management in control of the dynamic business growth (growth 2015 to 2018: revenue +130 % CAGR; FTE +78 % CAGR) - Designing a leasing solution for a large customer and successfully negotiation of a 13 mEUR sales deal - M&A activities: Preparation of sellers business case and fact book and presentation to external investors
Eingesetzte QualifikationenAuftragsverwaltung, Inventurmanagement, Mergers / Acquisitions, Projektmanagement, Projektmanagement - Audits, Projektmanagement (IT)
7/2014 – 6/2016
TätigkeitsbeschreibungResponsibilities: Finance responsible (N-2) for the BD IT PeP with ~ 630 m€ net costs in seven national legal entities and leadership responsibility for eleven direct reports (30 reports in total) in the subject area of - Business planning, forecasting and internal financial reporting - Budget approval committee CD PeP - Project Monitoring Office CD PeP Achievements (extract): - Design and execution of an IT project review based on expected return and consequences when cancelled, covering all ~ 400 IT projects planned for 2016 - M&A activities: support successful sale of three smaller business units
Eingesetzte QualifikationenIT-Controlling, Mergers / Acquisitions
12/2012 – 6/2014
TätigkeitsbeschreibungResponsibilities: Finance responsible (N-3) for the BU Global Mail Europe with ~310 m€ in revenue billed out of 10 legal entities and leadership responsibility for nine direct reports in seven European countries (UK, NL, F, CH, S, D and RUS) in the subject area of - Business planning, forecasting, internal and external financial reporting - Management of the Shared Service Center Accounting (GBS) - Support of the target setting process for regional management - Ensuring financial and tax compliance Achievements (extract): - Redesign of the management report in accordance with the business unit strategy creating the necessary transparency for the Global Mail Europe Management team to run the business - Delineation of the BU Global Mail Europe (budgets, finance processes and systems) into Parcel Europe, eCommerce and DP International
Eingesetzte QualifikationenCompliance management, Controlling
10/2010 – 12/2012
TätigkeitsbeschreibungResponsibilities: Leadership responsibility for 14 direct reports in the subject area of - Business planning, forecasting, internal and external financial reporting - Management of the Shared Service Center Accounting (GBS) - Management of internal and year-end audits in compliance with regulatory requirements (BaFin/BuBa/ZAG) - IT Demand Management - Payment processing (E-POSTBRIEF, market place, Die Redaktion) - Accounts receivable management and debt collection Achievements (extract): - Greenfield setup of all Business Administration and Department Clearing organizational structures and processes in compliance with external regulatory requirements (starting with two direct reports in Oct. 2010) - Successful management of internal and external audit findings
Eingesetzte QualifikationenAnforderungsmanagement, Compliance management, Controlling, Projektmanagement - Audits
1/2008 – 10/2010
- Planning, forecasting and reporting processes regarding the BU Operations Mail
- Controlling, planning and reporting of internal service charges
- Analysis and quality review of Mail Germany cost accounting results
- Analysis and review of particular business cases (e.g. synergy effects of integrating Express Germany into Mail operations)
- Presenting analysis results to the Mail Division CFO
Achievements (extract):
- Conceptual redesign and implementation of the Business Unit reporting after a major restructuring of the Mail Division
- Design of a workforce resource reporting which enables a comprehensive analysis of all workforce resources
Controlling, Kostenrechnung
9/2005 – 12/2007
- Analysis, conceptual design, implementation and optimization of
business planning and controlling processes with particular emphasis on
risk management, internal controls as well as related organizational
structures and accounting related business processes
- Auditing and verifying of business and control processes regarding their
compliance with respect to regulatory requirements and their impact on
the annual audit
- Project management
Achievements (extract):
- Conceptual design and implementation of a company wide risk
management system for a client in the retail & consumer industry
- Supporting a medium-sized business in the plant engineering and
construction industry in implementing regulatory requirements regarding
its company wide internal control system (SOX)
Controlling, Risikomanagement, Wirtschaftsprüfung
Weitere Kenntnisse
• Menschen verbinden.
• Lösungen im Dialog finden.
• Bodenständig und pragmatisch.
• Lange Diskussionen sind nicht mein Ding.
Meine Werkzeuge u.a.:
• These - Antithese – Synthese.
• Strategie – Struktur – System.
• Kontextbezogen.
Meine fachlichen Kompetenzen:
Mit mir bekommen Sie einen fachlichen Allrounder, der den Themenkomplex "Finance & Controlling" aus verschiedenen Perspektiven (CFO bis Analyst, Tochtergesellschaft und Konzern) und Rollen (Linie und Projekt) kennengelernt hat. Unter anderem kann ich folgendes:
• Aufbau von Standardberichtswesen (Finanz- und operational KPIs) im Einklang mit der Unternehmensstrategie (Excel u. BI Lösungen).
• Analysen von Produkt- / Geschäftsfeldsprofitabilitäten (DB GuV, Produkt- und Kostenrechnung).
• Aufbau von kfm. Prozessen OtC, PtP und RtR und deren Optimierung (bspw. mit Hilfe von Digitalisierung).
• Erstellung von Geschäftsplanungen zur Unternehmenssteuerung oder im M&A Kontext.
• Erstellung von Business Cases.
• Versierter Umgang mit internen, wie externen Prüfern und die Abarbeitung von Prüfungsfeststellungen.
• In- / Outsourcing von kfm. Geschäftsprozessen bspw. in ein Shared Service Center.
• Einführung und Optimierung von Internen Kontrollsystemen
• IT Anforderungsmanagement.
• Projektmanagement.
Persönliche Daten
- Deutsch (Muttersprache)
- Englisch (Fließend)
- Europäische Union
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