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Erfahrener Business Analyst in Financial Services

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  • 01.02.2025


Suchen Sie einen erfahrenen Business Analysten für Ihr nächstes Projekt? Mit über 15 Jahren Erfahrung, internationalem Teammanagement und Expertise im Finanzbereich stehe ich bereit, Ihr Vorhaben zum Erfolg zu führen. Kontaktieren Sie mich jetzt

Auszug Referenzen (1)

"Sehr gut, gerne wieder."
Deloitte Consulting (Festanstellung)
Kundenname anonymisiert

9/2018 – 12/2020


Startup Scout for "Intelligence-enabled Banking" and the founding team of "Deloitte Catalyst Germany" within Deloitte Consulting's Financial Services practice. I helped Deloitte's clients to look for innovative startup solutions and integrate them into their organizations.
- Scouting Startups from my Network
- Connecting Startups to Partners and Directors
- Deal Generation, Origination, Business Development
- Scouting AI, SaaS, Deep Tech, Fintech, Insurtech startups
- Building up the Academic Network across more than 50 institutions
- Market Overviews / Scanning and Observations

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Bankwesen (allg.), Joint-Venture, Lean Startup, Venture Capital Finanzierung


  • Requirements Management
  • Asset-Management
  • Bankwesen (allg.)10 J.
  • Finanzen (allg.)10 J.
  • Investition / Desinvestition6 J.
  • Joint-Venture6 J.
  • Management (allg.)4 J.
  • Medien (allg.)4 J.
  • Prozessberatung
  • Prozessoptimierung
  • Scrum
  • Venture Capital Finanzierung6 J.

Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung

Management Consultant (Festanstellung), Frankfurt am Main
1/2021 – offen (4 Jahre, 2 Monate)

1/2021 – offen


As a consultant, I work with clients of any size to help them overcome challenges, especially regarding innovation. I've helped startups to launch and grow their businesses, and I've also worked with established companies to reignite their innovation efforts.
My unique experience is assisting in carve-out/spin-off situations of startup companies from classic enterprises or joint ventures set up as startups.
My goal is to help my clients achieve their objectives. I offer various services, including management consulting, corporate startup incubation, and startup coaching. I also work with startups, SMEs, and KMUs to help them scale their businesses. No matter what my clients need, I'm here to help them achieve success.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Management (allg.)

Startup Scout, Frankfurt am Main
1/2021 – offen (4 Jahre, 2 Monate)

1/2021 – offen


As the startup scene continues to heat up around the world, more and more organizations are looking for ways to stay ahead of the curve. That's where my company comes in. We specialize in assisting national and international clients with keeping up with market developments on innovative startups, especially in Germany, Switzerland, and Austria (GSA), but also the rest of Europe. This includes helping identify promising investment and takeover targets for enterprises, corporations, tech companies, private equity, and venture capital investors. Our team has a wealth of experience in this area, and we're always up-to-date on the latest startup trends. Plus, we have a strong network of contacts in the startup community, which allows us to offer our clients unparalleled insights. We're proud to say that we've helped numerous organizations successfully navigate the ever-changing startup landscape. And we're looking forward to continuing to do so for many years. I provide an introduction to startups, often bridging geographical or demographic gaps, mostly from abroad into Europe.
- Deal Flow Generation
- Deal Origination
- Investments
- M&A, Takeovers
- Exits

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Joint-Venture, Venture Capital Finanzierung

Podcaster, Frankfurt am Main
1/2021 – offen (4 Jahre, 2 Monate)

1/2021 – offen


Germany has a rich history when it comes to entrepreneurship. From Konrad Zuse, Carl Benz, and Ferdinand Porsche to Werner von Siemens, there is no shortage of success stories that can be told about German-based companies looking for global expansion opportunities abroad or investors seeking out fresh investment prospects at home/abroad. We continue this with, keeping you updated with the latest on the German-speaking startup scene in Germany (Europe’s largest economy), Switzerland, and Austria, collectively known as the GSA or DACH region. We deliver our exclusive content right to your device of choice each week. We have built an unparalleled network of startups, meetup hosts, investors, podcasters, bloggers, and event contacts since 2014.
- Is a Top 0.5% Podcast Global (ListenNotes)
- Scored as Top 20 Entrepreneurship Podcast - All Countries Apple Podcasts (PodderApp)
- Scored as Top 100 Business Podcast - All Countries Apple Podcasts (PodderApp)
- Is one of the global top 5% of shared podcasts on Spotify (FY 2022)
- Global Top 60 Science Podcast (Chartable)
- Global Top 110 Technology Podcast (Chartable)
- Global Top 400 Business Podcast (Chartable)

We are a B2B podcast, with more than 91% of our audience listening for professional reasons. Also, 46% of our audience wants startups to invest in (source: audience survey). Our guest's startups have a certain maturity level (mostly Series A - Series C) and are looking beyond borders for international expansion, partners, or investors.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Medien (allg.)

Deloitte Consulting (Festanstellung)
Startup Scout, Frankfurt am Main
9/2018 – 12/2020 (2 Jahre, 4 Monate)

9/2018 – 12/2020


Startup Scout for "Intelligence-enabled Banking" and the founding team of "Deloitte Catalyst Germany" within Deloitte Consulting's Financial Services practice. I helped Deloitte's clients to look for innovative startup solutions and integrate them into their organizations.
- Scouting Startups from my Network
- Connecting Startups to Partners and Directors
- Deal Generation, Origination, Business Development
- Scouting AI, SaaS, Deep Tech, Fintech, Insurtech startups
- Building up the Academic Network across more than 50 institutions
- Market Overviews / Scanning and Observations

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Bankwesen (allg.), Joint-Venture, Lean Startup, Venture Capital Finanzierung

Management Consultant -Strategy and Operations (Festanstellung)
Deloitte Consulting, Frankfurt am Main
1/2012 – 9/2018 (6 Jahre, 9 Monate)

1/2012 – 9/2018


The Strategy and Operations (S&O) practice works with senior executives to help them solve their most challenging and most complex problems by bringing an approach to executable strategy that combines deep industry knowledge, rigorous analysis, and insight to enable confident action.
I helped especially financial services organizations to make the most important decisions they have to make: defining choices that shaped their ambitions and gave them clear competitive advantages.
- Banking
- Asset Management
- Capital Markets
- Mutual Funds
- Alternative Investments
- Successfully Managing Varying Teams with 30+ Members for 2+ years
- Multiple Successful Project Lead Roles
- Highly Sought After Subject Matter Expert (Buy Side and Sell Side in Capital Markets) in the Deloitte Network

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Bankwesen (allg.), Finanzen (allg.), Investition / Desinvestition

Asset & Wealth Management Competence Group (Festanstellung)
BearingPoint, Frankfurt am Main
5/2008 – 12/2011 (3 Jahre, 8 Monate)

5/2008 – 12/2011


Asset & Wealth Management Competence Group
I helped clients develop and implement strategies, operating models, and technology that integrated all aspects of their financial services offerings especially focused on asset and wealth management. I participated in business process optimization across a variety of functions. I evaluated the selection of new technologies and vendors (e.g. Asset Management Front Office Systems, Asset Management Compliance Systems for Investment rules …), and was responsible for and assisted in several mutual fund custody surveys. I assisted with business development efforts, including assessments and proposal development. My industries have been focused explicitly on
- Successful Deputy Project Lead
- Co-Author of Depotbank Studie (Mutual Funds Asset Custody Survey)
- Private Banking
- Wealth Management
- Capital Markets
- Alternative Investments (Hedge Funds, ..)
- Insurance Asset Management
- Re-Insurance Asset Management
- Asset Custody
- Global Custody

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Finanzen (allg.)

Intern - Asset Management Research (Festanstellung)
McKinsey & Company, Frankfurt am Main
2/2007 – 8/2007 (7 Monate)

2/2007 – 8/2007


European Financial Institutions Centre
Research intern in the asset management bucket at the European Financial Institution Center.
- Asset Management
- Asset Management Survey
- Alternative Investments

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen


Intern - GTZ Policy Advisory Service (Festanstellung)
GTZ Policy Advisory Service, Beijing
6/2005 – 12/2005 (7 Monate)
Öffentliche Verwaltung

6/2005 – 12/2005


I was working in ‘The Ministry of Environmental Protection (MEP)’ and assisted in high level policy advice to the Chinese government, which was divided in two sub-projects: “Policy Advisory Service and Environmental Management for Enterprises” and “GTZ Support for China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development CCICED”

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen


Ausbildung Bankkaufmann
Sparkasse Rheinhessen (KSK Alzey), Alzey
8/2000 – 5/2002 (1 Jahr, 10 Monate)

8/2000 – 5/2002


Certified Bank Clerk
Training through all bank departments at the time with 1 bn DM of total assets, including payments, credit, and corporate clients.
External courses in international trade and securities at Sparkassen Akademie Schloss Waldthausen were also included.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Bankwesen (allg.)


Diplom Betriebswirt
Rechnungswesen, Controlling, Stoffstrommanagement
Umwelt Campus Birkenfeld (HS Trier)
Bachelor in Business Administration
with Honors (Magna cum Laude), graduating Alpha Chi (Top 10%)
Midwestern State University (Texas Tech)
Wichita Falls, TX
Sparkasse Rheinhessen

Über mich

Suchen Sie einen hochqualifizierten Business Analysten mit mehr als 15 Jahren Erfahrung, der Teams mit Mitarbeitern aus verschiedenen Ländern geleitet hat? Dann sind Sie hier richtig!

Ich bin ein erfahrener Lead Business Analyst mit einer nachgewiesenen Erfolgsbilanz im Management von Teams, die an verschiedenen Fachkonzepten gearbeitet haben. Meine Expertise erstreckt sich auf Testkoordination, Asset Management, Business Process Modelling und Business Process Notation im regulierten und unregulierten Finanzbereich. Ich habe in Europa und Nordamerika in verschiedenen Projekten in den Bereichen Prozessoptimierung und Strategieentwicklung als Projektleiter, Teilprojektleiter und Teamleiter erfolgreich gearbeitet.

Mit meiner umfangreichen Erfahrung und meinem Engagement für Exzellenz stehe ich Ihnen zur Verfügung, um Ihr nächstes Projekt zum Erfolg zu führen. Kontaktieren Sie mich heute, um mehr über meine Fähigkeiten und wie ich Ihnen helfen kann, zu erfahren.

Weitere Kenntnisse

Mit über 15 Jahren Erfahrung biete ich umfassende Expertise in entscheidenden Bereichen an, darunter Asset Management, Banking, Fachliche Begleitung der Softwareentwicklung, Versicherung, SimCorp, Asset Arena, Jira, Agile Methoden, und die effektive Nutzung von Standardsoftware in Banken und Versicherungen.

Meine tiefgehende Branchenkenntnis und bewährten Fähigkeiten machen mich zu einem zuverlässigen Partner für Ihr nächstes Projekt. Egal, ob Sie Ihre finanzielle Performance optimieren, innovative Softwarelösungen entwickeln oder die nächste große Geschäftsmöglichkeit identifizieren möchten, ich stehe Ihnen zur Seite.

Ich bin stolz darauf, mit verschiedenen Kunden und Unternehmen zusammengearbeitet zu haben, um maßgeschneiderte Lösungen zu entwickeln und deren Geschäftswert zu steigern. Mit meiner Expertise und Engagement für Exzellenz bin ich bereit, auch Ihr Projekt zum Erfolg zu führen.

Kontaktieren Sie mich jetzt, um Ihre Ziele zu besprechen und wie ich Ihnen helfen kann, sie zu erreichen. Lassen Sie uns gemeinsam an Ihrem nächsten Erfolg arbeiten!

Persönliche Daten

  • Deutsch (Muttersprache)
  • Englisch (Fließend)
  • Europäische Union
22 Jahre und 8 Monate (seit 06/2002)
10 Jahre


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